Double chin removal Delhi Chin Enlargement IndiaDouble Chin Removal Delhi

Best Face lift, Neck lift, Double chin correction, Face rejuvenation Face Cream Treatment for ageing face at lowest cost in Delhi, Inda.

Face-Lift Surgery Delhi Double Chin Removal Surgery India

In this page :   Jaw line & Chin Enlargement with Fat Grafting & Double Chin Removal Surgery at low affordable cost in Delhi, India.
Chin after nose is important part of face which decides our overall look. A small chin makes our upper face look bulky & gives more round appearance. A stronger jaw line with adequate chin prominence makes face look younger & attractive. Previously , we used to do bone cutting and advancement for chin enlargement but now it has become unnecessarily big surgery. Fat grafting provides same result with minimally invasive approach and without any cut. Similarly extra fat removal from under chin area with chin liposuction with or without chin fat grafting helps remove double chin & restore youthful and attractive appearance without any cut.  See below for details & before after pictures & Videos.

Double Chin Removal & Under chin & Neck Liposuction Neck turns saggy with age , with increasing fat & with increasing laxity of platysma muscle there. Treatment depends upon diagnosis of individual problem and its correction. Very saggy neck is usually associated with sagging face, and neck lift is done with face lift. In some cases skin is not very lax, but underlying platysma muscle support is weaken and divarication of platysma appears (common in smokers and those with chronic sore throat & cough), in these platysmaplasty with slight skin tightening may suffice. Those with fatty neck need neck liposuction. Most cases are having combination of these problems, so treatment is decided accordingly, Also see our Fat Grafting page for better idea.

Double Chin Removal Double chin may be due to accumulation of fat in subcutaneous plane or small chin not proving enough traction or both.
for fat accumulation, under chin liposuction is treatment, for small chin, chin enlargement may be done with fat graft. if both then both procedures at same time.
In aged population, fat deposit with laxity of platysma muscle may be there, in such cases Liposuction with or without platysmaplasty, depending upon requirement is treatment. Presence of small chin due to underdeveloped bone often is present & accentuates the problem.

Chin Enlargement Surgery Chin Enlargement (Augmentation Genioplasty):- to augment small chin can be done with implant either or with advancement of chin bone, now a days we are preferring fat graft for chin enlargement. This procedure is best for chin enlargement, minimally invasive procedure which involves harvesting of fat with small punctures at donor site & infiltration in chin area for chin enlargement with fine infiltration needle cannulas, making procedure small, almost scar less with very fast recovery period. Fat graft for chin enlargement can be easily done under local anesthesia as day care procedure. Small chin is very common in those with long nose and protruded teeth. Isolated Chin Augmentation  with or without Nose Correction makes their look normal and attractive.
Face (Facial ) Implants / Chin Implant / Cheek Implants :- We dont prefer Implants. Autologus bone or fat graft is a better option now.

Chin enlargement India chin fat grafting Delhi 1
Chin enlargement India chin fat grafting Delhi 2
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Dr. Prabhash,
M.B.B.S., M.S. (Gen. Surgery), M.Ch. (Plastic Surgery) (Mumbai Univ.)
Cosmetic & Plastic Surgeon,
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