Double chin removal Delhi Chin Enlargement IndiaDouble Chin Removal Delhi

Chin Surgery - Lipo-Genioplasty Chin Fat Grafting & Double Chin Removal Surgery in Delhi NCR India by Dr Prabhash, with 20 years of experience in plastic surgery

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Double Chin Removal & Under Chin Liposuction - Double chin or saggy fatty chin usually is due
1) Excess under chin fat - Common in fat people,  which needs under chin liposuction,
2) Small chin bone - which fails to provide enough traction on under chin skin and makes it look saggy and fatty.
3) In people with chronic sore throat, in aged people due to loose neck skin and muscles - need surgical neck lift.
Most of the time, its combination of Excess under chin fat and small chin bone. Under Chin fat or Double chin removal treatment is decided by the reason behind it. Under Chin liposuction for excess fat removal and chin fat grafting to increase chin projection is best suitable treatment for it. (Read about chin fat grafting below) .

Chin Enlargement Surgery Fat Grafting Chin Enlargement (Augmentation Lipo-Genioplasty ):- Chin after nose is important part of face which decides our overall look. A small chin makes our upper face look bulky & gives more round and tired appearance. A stronger jaw line with adequate chin prominence makes face look younger & attractive. Previously , we used to do bone cutting and advancement for chin enlargement called sliding genioplasty, but now with development of fat grafting, it has become unnecessarily big surgery. Fat grafting provides same result with minimally invasive approach and without any cut. Our tongue muscles are attached to inner side of our chin bone, on bone cutting they may get affected affecting our voice. in Fat grafting , fat is harvested using 2-3 mm punctures and is injected with very fine specialized cannula, so no cut in bone, no big cut in skin. Combined with extra fat removal from under chin area with chin liposuction helps remove double chin & restore youthful and attractive appearance without any cut. Click on you tube link above and See our videos for details & before after pictures
Both under chin liposuction and Chin Fat graft for chin enlargement we are doing under local anesthesia as day care procedure. It takes around 50-70 minutes, you get free after another 2-3 hours

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Chin enlargement India chin fat grafting Delhi 2
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Double Chin Removal & Chin Fat Grafting Surgery Cost : - Double chin removal surgery, under chin liposuction - Cost of these depend upon how much is the extent of problem and the magnitude of surgery required . Some Double chin surgery can cost in Delhi around 50-65000/- and can be done under local anesthesia while some need surgery under general anaesthesia and may cost up to 80-90000/-.
Similarly cost of chin enlargement fat grafting surgery depends upon magnitude of surgery and may cost in same range
if both under chin liposuction and chin fat grafting being done in same sitting overall cost goes down.

Face (Facial ) Implants / Chin Implant / Cheek Implants :- We dont prefer Implants. Autologus bone or fat graft is a better option now.

Dr. Prabhash,
M.B.B.S., M.S. (Gen. Surgery), M.Ch. (Plastic Surgery) (Mumbai Univ.)
Cosmetic & Plastic Surgeon,
B 20, First Floor, Shopping Complex,
Tagore Garden, New Delhi, Delhi, India, 110027.
Contact - Call for Appointments 1,(9350948285)
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