Rhinoplasty Delhi Nose Surgery IndiaBest Rhinoplasty in India
Rhinoplasty Nose job Surgery
  • Breathing Problem DNS Septoplasty
  • Open vs Close Rhinoplasty
  • Nose Job Surgery Before After
  • Alarplasty Nose Tip-plasty
  • Revision Rhinoplasty
  • Rhinoplasty Cost, Procedure & Recovery
  • Best Rhinoplasty Surgeon India Dr Prabhash Delhi Contact Dr Prabhash India Rhinoplasty Surgeon Delhi Dr Prabhash Rhinoplasty Reviews Delhi Nose Surgery India Rhinoplasty India Nose Surgery Delhi - Dr Prabhash Facebook Rhinoplasty India Nose job Surgery Delhi Videos Dr Prabhash - Youtube call for best rhinoplasty surgery cost in India, Delhi. Rhinoplasty cost in Delhi Dr Prabhash India - whatsapp

    Best Designer Rhinoplasty Nose Job Surgery in Delhi NCR India by Dr Prabhash, with 20 years of experience in Plastic surgery

    Please read this page and see examples - Rhinoplasty / Nose job / Nose Surgery detailed description & Rhinoplasty Before After Pictures of almost every type of nose e.g. Breathing problem, Deviated Nose septum Septoplasty, Augmentation Rhinoplasty, Nose Length increment, Dorsal nasal hump reduction rhinoplasty, Nose tip-plasty, Alar base reduction alarplasty, Cleft rhinoplasty, revision rhinoplasty, rhinophyma or potato nose, Nose surgery recovery and nose massage (our own technique). To watch our Rhinoplasty Example Videos on our you tube play list Face Nose ose Augmentation , Hump Reduction, Alarplasty, Cartilage graft, Bone Graft, Cleft Rhinoplasty, Deviated Nose Septoplasty

    Rhinoplasty is one of the most common cosmetic plastic surgery done world wide. Central part of face including forehead , nose and peri oral area ( lips and adjacent area) gives our face a unique feature. Nose, Being the most projected part of face is noticed first when one sees our face. Various Rhinoplasty criteria have been defined for aesthetically pleasing nose but all these cant be used on every case. Each and every race (Indian, Caucasian, Negroes, Asians Orientals) have different characteristic and any Rhinoplasty Nose surgery should be planned considering the characteristic of that race. We have multiple races with minor to major variation in facial features in our country , means we have almost every type of face and so every type of nose here. Your Rhinoplasty surgeon should be able to design and tailor surgery individually for your best.
    Analyzing your problems and expectations individually and designing surgery to provide you best Rhinoplasty results at best Rhinoplasty cost in India, Delhi is specialty of Dr Prabhash.
    Common complaints by patient & Concerned Rhinoplasty (Nose Surgery) or Nose Job / Nose Reshaping Surgery Procedures :-
    Broad Nose Rhinoplasty :- Osteotomy & Narrowing of Nose with Tipplasty.
    Hump Nose or Bumpy Nose Surgery :- ( Hump) Reduction Rhinoplasty or Nose Job with roof closure
    Long Nose Rhinoplasty with Drooping tip :- Tip-plasty with or without Augmentation Rhinoplasty (Nose Job) or Reduction Rhinoplasty (Nose Job)
    Lateral Deviation of Nose or Crooked nose - Septo-Rhinoplasty :- Straightening of Nose or Corrective Rhinoplasty (Nose job Surgery)
    Low Dorsum or Bridge of Nose -Dorsum Augmentation Rhinoplasty :- Augmentation Rhinoplasty or Nose Job with or without tip plasty
    Big or Bulky Nose:- Reduction Rhinoplasty with tip plasty.
    Short Nose with upturned tip and visible nostrils - Short Nose Lengthening see Augmentation Rhinoplasty below.

    ( for examples of all - see Rhinoplasty before and after pictures below)
    Commonly, combination of various Rhinoplasty or nose job procedures is needed to provide a cosmetically or beautiful nose in every Rhinoplasty or nose job. In general, a narrow nose with optimal projection beyond face, straight dorsum (with slightly elevated tip in females), nose lip angle 105 degrees with tear drop shaped nostril is considered good.
    Overall , changes done during surgery are demand based, means what patient feels abnormal.
    Congenital and post traumatic deformities :- Rhinoplasty or nose job in such situations are designed according to the deformities or nose and other associated deformities.

    Open / Close Rhinoplasty Approaches : - in Closed Rhinoplasty approach, incision for modifying nasal framework, are entirely inside the nose, no visible mark outside. In Open Rhinoplasty , the same inner incisions are connected externally either in mid columella (middle pillar of nose between nostrils when seen from basal view) or at lip columella Junction. Over the time they heal well and practically there is no visible scar in long term. We use nose lip junction natural line to enter nose means through natural fold line, so no additional line visible even in Open Rhinoplasty
    preferred approach depends upon magnitude of work needed in any particular nose. Close approach for minor work and as Open approach provides clear view of entire nasal framework, so fine manipulations are always better with this. overall open rhinoplasty approach is superior to close.

    Breathing Problems DNS Septoplasty

    :- Correction of DNS with or without other Rhinoplasty procedures or nose job procedures.

    Nose is an organ of breathing first, cosmetic next. We do correction to improve both look and function. Any cosmetic correction is never done at the cost of function anywhere in body. Nose works as passage as well as humidifier and warmer for the air we breath. Septum, the middle wall of nose which divides it in two passages, is partly bony and partly cartilaginous.
    Deviated nasal septum or DNS is a very common occurrence in general population and often considered reason of obstruction in breathing, which is not always true.
    Nose is having two valve areas, external and internal, breathing difficulty occurs usually due to narrow valve area rather than deviation of septum, unless the later is very severe. Of course deviated nasal septum gives nose a deviated look from outside and correction restores its look and when associated with procedures to open the collapsed valves, improves both look as well as breathing. Most of our male population face breathing problem which is not due to deviated septum but external valve collapse, very common in India, Nepal, Sri Lanka, Bangladesh, Pakistan, Afghanistan, Arab Countries region.

    Best Rhinoplasty in Delhi Droopy tip correction India.

    Rhinoplasty Surgery Nose job Before After - 60 years old male with severe drooping of tip with external valve collapse leading to obstruction in breathing - first treated with Septoplasty , turbinate reduction and tip correction outside India without improvement - Simple nose lift with external valve correction provides best correction of breathing as well as look.

    Deviated Nose / Crooked Nose :- deviated nose ( Abnormally healed nasal bone fracture or Congenital Deviation ) Rhinoplasty or Nose Job for correction of nose deviation.

    Best Rhinoplasty in India Crooked Nose Surgery Before After Picture by Dr Prabhash Delhi.

    Post Traumatic Deviation of Nose Rhinoplasty Before After , Patient wanted to retain other racial Characteristics like tip and Nose length which has been respected.

    Best Rhinoplasty in Delhi Deviated Crooked Nose job Before After India Dr Prabhash.
    More Deviated Nose examples : See Revision Rhinoplasty & importance of massage below and
    Our you tube video for Deviated Nose Septum Rhinoplasty India Dr Prabhash Delhi

    Rhinoplasty Nose Job Before After

    Scroll down to see individual nose types, link for rhinoplasty videos and rhinoplasty before after pictures for individual nose deformities. You will find examples of almost every type of nose. We sadly inform you that some of our before after pictures have been copied and being posted as their work by some clinics in Delhi, Maharshtra, Indore, Pune. We dont want to name, but you should be aware of that.

    i) Asian Nose & Augmentation Rhinoplasty :- Asian Nose rhinoplasty differs from others as there is deficient skin, bone as well as cartilage. augmentation narrowing , tip plasty with nostril management is required.

    rhinoplasty in India asian nose  before after Dr Prabhash Delhi

    ii) Dorsum Augmentation Rhinoplasty :- Dorsum Height Augmentation Rhinoplasty with Iliac Crest bone graft - Some amount of augmentation you will find in almost every nose job except hump reduction, even in nasal hump reduction, cartilage graft in dorsum is needed to close open roof. We use only natural or autologus material like cartilage or bone from your body for any type of augmentation. We do not use artificial material like silicone or polypropylene implants, unless we do not have any other option.

    Best Rhinoplasty in India - Augmentation Nose Surgery in Delhi Using bone graft by Dr Prabhash, best rhinoplasty surgeon.

    Augmentation Rhinoplasty before after picture of dorsum or bridge of nose height & length augmentation to match with tip along with tip plasty : Augmentation with iliac crest bone graft.

    iii) Length Augmentation Rhinoplasty for Short Nose Lengthening Rhinoplasty : Short Broad Nose with visible upturned Nostril Before After picture. Narrowing of nose with tip & septum lengthening done. Septum and complete Nose augmentation with autologus septal cartilage graft.

    Rhinoplasty in India Short nose lengthening Before After by Dr Prabhash Delhi.
    Short Nose Lengthening with autologus septal cartilage graft Before & After picture.
    Rhinoplasty in Delhi Nose Bone Graft Dorsum Length Augmentation Dr Prabhash

    ii) Alarplasty & Nostril Reduction, & Nose Tip-plasty Rhinoplasty :

      Different type of nose tip deformities, their correction and before after pictures
    (A) Droopy projecting tip:- Tip plasty usually involves correction of tip & nearby framework also to create a harmony with rest of nose.

    best Rhinoplasty in Delhi Flat droopy nose tip correction India

    Before after picture Tip plasty- Such deformity is usually found in occult type 0 facial cleft. This tip plasty has been done by remodeling of nose framework (Alar & upper lateral cartilage under local anesthesia , no artificial material used.
    (B) Low Bridge Dorsum & Big Bulbous Nose Rhinoplasty :- Augmentation Rhinoplasty with Bulbous Nose tip correction has been done. Ear cartilage used for dorsum augmentation.

     best Rhinoplasty surgeon in India, Delhi - Bulbous Hump Nose Surgery Before After by Dr Prabhash

    Broad & deviated nose with dorsal hump, supra-tip depression and bulbous tip of nose rhinoplasty before after.

    (C) Flat Broad Tip : Tip-plasty for flat broad tip - these cases usually have hyperplastic alar cartilages with abnormal curvature.

    best Rhinoplasty in India Flat broad nose tip correction before after Delhi

    Rhinoplasty Nose job before after - Hyperplastic alar cartilages- hyperplastic variant of type 0-type 14 facial cranial cleft- a cleft nose variant without a visible cleft - feature of cleft on surface is increased distance between eyes.

    (D) Low / Depressed Tip : Nose tip Augmentation for depressed tip

    Rhinoplasty in India Befoer after by Dr Prabhash Delhi

    Nose tip plasty before after picture : This depressed tip is an example of Binders Syndrome (Central mid-face hypoplasia- Nose, maxilla  upper jaw with / without chin Mandible Hypoplasia  Underdevelopment . Tip and dorsal nose augmentation with coastal cartilage (rib cartilage - usually i dont prefer rib cartilage due to unusual curvature which may develops in it.

    E) Alarplasty / Ala wedge excision & nostril reduction : some people have wide and big ala, side wall of nose surrounding nostril & nostrils. 

    Rhinoplasty in India , Delhi Big Nose Rhinoplasty before after picture

    (Dorsal hump reduction, cartilage graft to smoothen dorsum, tip-plasty, narrowing of nose with Internal Osteotomy Rhinoplasty with alar base nostril reduction before after picture .

    iii) Septo-Rhinoplasty with Nostril Adjustment & Tip Plasty : Rhinoplasty or Nose Job with tip plasty. septal cartilage for elevation of bridge of nose, tip plasty and osteotomy - under general anesthesia.

    Best Rhinoplasty in India Augmentation Nose Slimming before after Delhi

    Septo-Rhinoplasty before after picture: Wide or broad depressed nose with depressed tip - Septoplasty to harvest septal cartilage graft (best graft material for nose augmentation), osteotomy to make nose narrow tip plasty and nostril reduction.

    iv) Short , Long and Wide Noses - Nose Length Augmentation & Reduction, Nose Hump Reduction

    A) Broad nose or Wide Nose :- Big broad noses fall in different category and some variation is found depending upon race and ethnicity. Big nose with dorsal hum common in roman, Long and high nose hump and with or without droopy tip is often found in Punjab and Afghanistan. Broad or Wide Nose with lack of tip definition Before after Rhinoplasty picture :

    Best Big Nose Reduction Rhinoplasty  India, Delhi Dr Prabhash

    Rhinoplasty Before After for Broad Nose with wide nose tip- This nose was one of extreme broad nose treated with Nose reduction, osteotomy and tip plasty.

    B) Extreme Wide Nose

    Rhinoplasty India Delhi Broad Big Nose Alar base reduction Before After by Dr Prabhash

    One of extreme broad nose with dorsum irregularity , history of dorsal hump reduction and Rhinoplasty somewhere else , deformed flat tip, supra-tip depression , huge ala and wide nostril - before after Rhinoplasty picture.

    C ) Long Nose Rhinoplasty : Long Nose with dorsal hump and very droopy tip is also called hawk nose. Long Nose with deviated & drooping tip - Before after Rhinoplasty picture.

    Rhinoplasty In India - Long droopy Nose tip Rhinoplasty Before After Delhi Dr Prabhash.
    Rhinoplasty for long nose correction, long nose with drooping tip before after Picture

    D) Low & wide dorsum with broad & low tip :- Rhinoplasty or Nose Job with tip-plasty. An Example of Asian Rhinoplasty Low and flat dorsum and very wide ala and nostril is seen in African nose..

    Rhinoplasty in Delhi - India -Low Nose Augmentation Rhinoplasty Dr Prabhash.
    Low Broad dorsum Broad tip - Before after Rhinoplasty tip-pasty picture.
     Nose beauty surgery in India - Delhi - low long nose droopy tip rhinoplasty before after picture.
    Low broad dorsum with wide drooping tip - Rhinoplasty before after picture- Dorsum and tip augmentation with correction of drooping tip and creation of a sleek nose.

    v) Dorsum hump or Bumpy (nose) with or without drooping tip :- Hump nose or bumpy nose also called Roman Nose. Hump reduction rhinoplasty involves reduction of hump (rasping or hump excision) as per requirement. If roof is left as such or simply approximated with Osteotomy, possibility of open roof deformity is very high, so we are doing roof closure along with valve correction to provide cosmetically  and functionally perfect nose. see nose reduction video for detail. Example case here Hump Reduction Rhinoplasty or Nose Job with tip plasty & Narrowing of nose in male.

    Rhinoplasty in India - Delhi - Nose bone hump reduction rhinoplasty before after dr prabhash.

    Before After Picture Rhinoplasty or Nose Job with Hump Reduction, Correction of supra-tip depression, Tip plasty for elevation of tip of nose as well as narrowing and Correction of wide nasal base.

    Rhinoplasty in India - Dorsal nose hump removal rhinoplasty before after delhi dr prabhash.

    Before After Pictures Reduction Rhinoplasty Hump Reduction, Tipplasty Broad Nose Correction in Female

    VI ) Post traumatic nose deformity :- (Broken Saddle Nose with nostril and airway stenosis or blockade) :- Augmentation Rhinoplasty or Nose Job with tip plasty and reestablishment of nasal passages. Case Example-

    Rhinoplasty in India - Broken Nose Rhinoplasty Before After bone graft Dr Prabhash Delhi.

    Post traumatic (road traffic accident) broken nose with nose blockade, correction with nasal passage restoration and iliac crest bone graft for dorsum augmentation.

    X) Cleft Rhinoplasty : Nasal deformity associated with cleft lip and palate :- Cleft Rhinoplasty or Nose Job with tip plasty & correction of Cleft lip nose deformity along with base of nose ( Maxilla)

    Rhinoplasty in India - Delhi - cleft nose rhinoplasty before after dr prabhash.

    Cleft Lip Palate & Cleft Nose Deformity Correction - Cleft Nose deformity is a complex problem and involves complex correction process also .

    X) Revision Rhinoplasty or Secondary Rhinoplasty  :- Every surgeon tries to provide you the best possible result, but Sometimes you may not get optimal or desired result in your first rhinoplasty surgery, you may go for revision rhinoplasty once nose is soft and supple and adhesions improved. Requirement of revision in our cases is less than 1-2 % as We do all possible changes in rhinoplasty, but we are getting cases for revision Rhinoplasty first operated elsewhere, this is one example of Revision Rhinoplasty for Crooked Deformed Nose.

    best Revision rhinoplasty India before after picture Dr Prabhash Delhi.

    Revision Rhinoplasty Before After : (History of hump reduction and Rhinoplasty somewhere else 3 years back )  presented at our clinic for revision Rhinoplasty (Nose Surgery) with Long Deviated Nose with Severe DNS (Septum totally out of midline) Bony Hump, Supra-tip Depression Deviated & Drooping tip - Natural Septo-Rhinoplasty (No artificial material used).

    Touch up Procedures : Please mind, revision rhinoplasty and touch up procedures are different things. Usually we do entire procedure in one go but some times some small procedures which can be better done later or if you feel that something is required, Touch-up procedure may be required (usually 3-4% cases). small procedures under local anesthesia which doesn't need reopening nose should be done at least 6 months after surgery. Any major procedure should be deferred for at least one year best if two years. In our cases,   we try to keep expenditure minimum so that you don't need to bear major financial load again.

    xi ) Rhinophyma  Cosmetic Rhinoplasty or nose job .

    rhinoplasty in India - Rhinophyma or potato nose before after picture by Dr Prabhash Delhi.

    Before after picture Rhinophyma or potato nose correction : Rhinophyma is exaggerated activity and growth of sebaceous glands of tip of nose which discharges creamy white oily substance. Discharge instead of coming out becomes collected in glands.

    Profiloplasty :- side view of face is called profile view. It shows projections and depressions of Face. nose and chin affect the profile view most. Augmentation or reduction may be needed to provide a beautiful appearance.


    Before and after picture of profiloplasty - augmentation Rhinoplasty & correction of jaw projection. Now we are preferring fat grafting for chin augmentation.

    xii ) Nose Reconstruction :

    Reconstruction Rhinoplasty in India or Nose reconstruction with forehead flap Before After India Dr Prabhash Delhi.

    Before After Picture of Nose Reconstruction Using forehead Flap and Framework Reconstructed with coastal (rib) cartilage. Color is hyper pigmented dark at this moment , it takes around two years in acquiring natural color. Only Natural tissue has been used no artificial material.

    Rhinoplasty Recovery, Post Surgery Massage & Manipulations & FAQs

    Rhinoplasty (Nose job) , Septoplasty, Septo-Rhinoplasty (Nose Surgery)/ Nose Massage Frequently Asked Questions:-

    First, is Consultation and discussion regarding your problem, procedure or work required in your nose, type of anaesthesia required, followed by some blood and laboratory tests for fitness for surgery. If found fit you may book date for surgery.
    On the day of surgery - Nil by mouth means no food no water nothing by mouth for 6-8 hours before surgery
    Admission and all paper work.
    In operation theatre - Anesthesia - Local or general as per requirement. Small isolated procedures like tip-plasty, hump rasping, ala and nostril reduction can be done under local anesthesia saving both time and money. full rhinoplasty needs general anesthesia.
    Surgery Duration 1.5-2 hours in smaller procedures, 3 to 4 hours in full rhinoplasty. awake from anesthesia - 5-10 minutes after surgery is finished, rest for another 3 hours, oral liquids started after 3 hours soft diet after 6-7 hours.
    Nose will be packed for 48 Hours. Discharge from hospital after 6-8 hours or next day depending upon magnitude of surgery.
    1st revisit after 48-72 hours for pack removal, 2nd revisit after 7-10 days for all dressing and suture removal.
    Your nose will look normal to others but you will feel swelling at 2 weeks.
    After three weeks , nose looks almost normal , in newer shape, but mild swelling is still there. It takes around three months before nose looks more normal with all evidences of surgery resolved except very little amount of edema Swelling which is unnoticeable. Overall nose keeps improving over an year.

    Rhinoplasty Nose Job Cost in Delhi NCR India

    Rhinoplasty Cost In Delhi NCR India Usually varies between 50000/- to 200000/-. Some procedures related to nose like alar base reduiction, nostril reduction, dorsum fat grafting, isolated nose tip-plasty are short procedures which we are usually doing under local anaaesthesia saving both time and money. While full rhinoplasty/ septo-rhinoplasty needs general anaesthesia and costs higher. So best way to know the cost of rhinoplasty or nose job procedure in your case is to consult Dr Prabhaash, Plastic surgeon directly and discuss your problem and solution in detail

    Any difference in Female & Male Rhinoplasty.

    Yes, Male Rhinoplasty is always believed to be a separate entity , as male noses are usually more deformed also expectations in male is always more than females, their thick skin makes result late to appear. In our practice we see every nose as a different and individual entity be it male or female Rhinoplasty and contrary to the common belief in plastic surgery society our male patients are equally happy. In females skin is usually thin and shape of nose appears well after Rhinoplasty.

    what are materials used for nose augmentation?

    materials used for augmentation can be autogenous ( from patients own body) or artificial materials.
    like septal cartilage, ear cartilage, rib cartilage or bone like iliac crest bone graft. Fat graft is now also one of the preferred choices for dorsum and paranasal area augmentation. Artificial material like silicone are least preferred. many people think cosmetic surgery always needs use of artificial material, its a big confusion, cosmetic surgery is surgery which is intended to improve your look when function problem is not there, in fact almost every cosmetic surgery involves improvement of both look and function.

    Unsatisfactory Result & Touch ups?

    Recovery Time & Follow ups : Rhinoplasty is a day care procedure, you will be discharged on same or next day. 1st visit after 2 days for pack removal. next between 8-10th day depending upon type of procedure for all dressing removal. After removal of dressing nose looks pinched and irregular, due to irregular swelling inside plaster splint. Swelling will increase for 48-72 hours and nose looks more regular with swelling and you are socially presentable now. You cant touch nose for 3 weeks.
    Massage & Manipulations - we keep Nose softer between 3 to 8 weeks & during this period you may change shape and alignment with little massage and manipulations which you will be described on visit after 3 weeks and reviewed weekly direct or through mail depending upon situation. Please mind these steps are very much important and helps you get the desired shape. Specially in broad and deviated noses (some deviation is there in 90 % cases) you cant get a good result without it. We dont like to accept patients who cant comply in follow ups. Examples you may see on our facebook page and here in this pic. Result is well visible after you start massage but finally improvement continues till one year. Please mind rhinoplasty is game of patience and its not for those who want very fast result.
    Rhinoplasty in India-  deviated nose massage before after Dr Prabhash Delhi.

    Please mind these follow ups are essential.
    Unsatisfactory Result : We try to do the best for you but everything in this world has got limitations. Most of our patients are satisfied and happy but we got 6 (1.5 %) unsatisfied patients also, unfortunately, they were lost in follow up. As such this number is very very small but still we respect individuality of every patient. Sometimes even our best possible work may not satisfy you. Whenever you think you are unsatisfied you should consult your primary surgeon first, whoever he or she is, as he/she knows your problem best plus at least he will not try to misguide you. No surgeon or doctor wants to provide unsatisfactory result, we all are trying to provide you the best but we are simple human beings doing our job and not god who can do everything. Moreover most of small problems can be solved during follow up with minor or non-surgical maneuvers.

    Any association with psychological or psychiatric problem in Rhinoplasty ?

    A big Yes, Psychological and psychiatric problems are not very uncommon in cases of rhinoplasty like rest other face cosmetic surgery procedures. Psychological stress due to job or problems in personal life may depress you and make you think that these problems are due to your bad face or nose, which may not be correct. Also surgery may aggravate your psychological or psychiatric problem which can be bad for you. So if you are facing any sort of psychological or psychiatric problem or ever faced it in life you should clearly tell this to your doctor. Most of people try to hide their psychological problem and think it may affect their image. Its not true, in today's era almost every person is facing some psychological stress and its better to solve it rather than going for surgery. Your medical history is important and Its always better to bring family members with you.
    Disclaimer : Its a medical information website. information and pictures contained in this page and website is to provide information about plastic & cosmetic surgeries, its not substitute of consultation with your doctor

    Dr. Prabhash,
    M.B.B.S., M.S. (Gen. Surgery), M.Ch. (Plastic Surgery)(Mumbai Univ.)
    Cosmetic & Plastic Surgeon,
    B 20, First Floor, Shopping Complex,
    Tagore Garden, New Delhi, Delhi, India, 110027.
    Contact - Call for Appointments 1,(9350948285)
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