Scar Removal Treatment Dermabrasion Face Resurfacing
Scar Fat Injection in Delhi NCR India by Dr Prabhash, with 20 years of
experience in Plastic surgery
In This Page : Scar Removal or better say Scar Reduction, Scar Revision, Serial Scar Removal or Serial Scar reduction,
Acne Marks Treatment, Dermabrasion, Microdermabrasion, Chemical peel, Fat Injection, Tissue Expansion, Face Resurfacing
Delhi, India by Dr. Prabhash
Scar Removal or Different Modes
of Scar Reduction Treatment
: - Options for Scar Removal surgery or scar revision surgery depends upon size of
scar , location of scar, skin quality of scar and skin surrounding scar, its color , texture and so many other variants.
Small scars need resurfacing and bigger ones need excision and cosmetic reconstruction, Details
you may find below. In scar removal target is always replacement of like tissue with like tissue. Acne Marks Removal is best
done with diamond brush resurfacing. see below for details. Also see our
Face Plastic Surgery & Scar Removal Videos by Dr Prabhash Delhi NCR India.
Post traumatic , post burn or post surgery. Treatment , again chosen from a wide range of options available .
A scar is visible when it differs from surrounding area in color ( dys-pigmented scar or hyper
pigmented scar or hypo pigmented scar) or texture or level ( depressed or elevated scar ) or thickness of
scar tissue and adherence to underlying structure - so correction also involves correction of factor which
makes it visible or functionally troublesome.
Scar Revision/ Scar Removal Treatment - Serial Scar Reduction
Scar Reduction / Scar Revision :-.Options for scar revision or scar reduction or scar removal :- Serial excision and closure - or Serial scar reduction in one stage or multiple
stages, depending upon size, location proximity of scar to important structures and mobility of surrounding
skin. the goal of replacement of like tissue with like tissue is achieved best. so for scar removal or scar
reduction its always the first consideration. Skin in every part of our body is specified and bringing it
from a distant area is a compromise rather than a good option for scar removal or scar reduction.
one thing is very clear -- once a scar always a scar, be it bigger
or smaller, be it visible or invisible, troublesome or harmless. Goal is to reduce the scar to invisible level.
In serial scar reduction- we gradually reduce the size of larger scars initially and then finally do cosmetic correction
when scar becomes very small. Surgery done is small in magnitude, under local anesthesia, very safe and does not affect day to day life
of patient. final correction takes little time but result of scar correction is always the best as scar tissue is replaced by
surrounding normal skin providing best color and texture match. If a scar cant be removed fully its orientation can be
changed through scar revision in a way so that its no longer a cosmetic problem.
Scar Removal Before After Pictures
Before After Picture Burn Scar Removal - Serial Excision
Before After Picture Scar Removal - Post Trauma forehead scar with eyebrow mismatch
Post tuberculosis depressed scar on neck serial reduction- early post op redness is there
Post Infection Scar Lower eyelid Before After Scar Removal - Full Thickness Graft from upper eyelid.
Face Re-surfacing
for Acne scar removal, Dark Spots,
Sunburn Skin improvement and face Rejuvenation or scar reduction :-
means stimulation of most superficial layer of skin to
stimulate growth of new skin. It also stimulates regeneration and remodeling of collagen so final result is
smoother, bright skin with less scar marks and wrinkles. so facial resurfacing is not only a method of scar
removal but also a way of face rejuvenation.
So its used both for treatment of acne scars, Depressed scars , wrinkles, freckles and altered pigmentation. Three usual methods are there :- 1) Mechanical - (Diamond brush dermabrasion), 2) Chemical - Chemical peeling, &
3) Thermal - Laser or Intense Pulse Light (IPL). All three use same principle and are dependent upon same skin appendages
for healing and final result , only difference between these is mode of energy used & control level.
Chemical Peeling
Chemical peeling ( like phenol (not used now), TCA, Glycolic acid ,
salicylic acid, mandelic acid etc) - best suitable for very superficial resurfacing, depth control is poor.
Chemical peel in practice should be used only for superficial pigmentation changes and its actually good for
pigmentary changes and rejuvenation.
Thermal :- is by Laser -
for moderate acne & other very small marks. A particular wavelength is absorbed by different
tissues and its forms its basis of use. For details on Intense Pulse Light (IPL) Hair Removal, Face Rejuvenation,
Active Acne Treatment, Photorejuvenation - please visit Laser Treatment page
little labor intensive for surgeon, but best depth control,
dermis regeneration & tightening. Dermabrasion with diamond brush are the best way of
facial resurfacing. Dermabrasion not only gives you scar free skin but it also induces collagen synthesis
and so provides your skin a healthy and young look (Rejuvenation).
Acne Marks Removal Before After Picture - Diamond Brush Dermabrasion
Microdermabrasion followed by cream treatment increases penetration and effect of creams
and improves dark pigmented spots like Melasma, Cholesma and age spots.
Acne Marks Treatment
Acne scars or smaller multiple scars
are best treated with face resurfacing techniques like chemical peeling,
Diamond brush dermabrasion resurfacing.
Face car Removal Before After Picture - Post Drug eruption + infection scar - Removal with Diamond Crystal Dermabrasion
Fillers & Fat Grafting for Scar removal :-
Artificial fillers or autologus Fat Grafting are options for
depressed scars in which superficial skin color & texture is normal,
bringing scar skin in level of normal skin reduces its visibility. Artificial Fillers may be temporary or permanent fillers.
Permanent fillers are not preferred as they create bumps under the skin over time. Temporary fillers last around 12-14 months
and needs to be repeated every year, so now we don't prefer them. Best option is Autologus Fat grafting, after one to three procedures
on average fat lasts permanently there and after that no need to repeat the procedure again and again. As fat
is your own body tissue , so rare possibility of any reaction.
- see Fat Grafting
and Birthmarks Removal page for more details & before after).
Fat Injection for depressed scars :
Fat injection is good to elevate scars and to be used as interposition tissue
or layer between two adhered tissue. Here are two examples , in one there was
post infection loss of bone and depression in sternum (central bone of chest) -
scar revision and filling of depression with fat has been done. In another pic, there was post surgery adhesion between skin
and muscle leading to restricted muscle movement. Release of adhesion followed by fat injection as lubricating layer was done.
so, finally improvement in both look and function.
Skin Grafting & Tissue Expansion for Scar Removal
Tissue expansion : A modality, with which, surrounding normal skin is
expanded with the help of an inflatable silicone balloon type device and advanced or used in different ways to
remove scars anywhere on body or bald areas in scalp. Advantage is replacement with adjacent normal skin, so the
best possible cosmetic and functional result. For smaller scars same work is done through serial reduction
for bigger ones tissue expansion is used.
Before and after pictures of post burn scar treated with tissue expansion
Before and after pictures of post herpes zoster scar treated with tissue expansion.
Skin Grafting for Scar Removal
Partial thickness skin graft:-- thin slice of skin graft is harvested from hidden areas and used as
replacement tissue for scar . as skin of different part of body varies so it never acquires character of
recipient area and some difference is always there but its a good option in cases where large scarred area
needs resurfacing.
Full thickness skin graft:- taken from behind the ear or other body creases, it provides better skin color
& texture match, also the donor area scar is hidden in natural skin crease. only limitation is that very large
areas cant be covered because of small donor areas.
Flaps and free tissue transfer : local flaps are always preferred as tissue match is best, if not available
flaps from distant areas may be transferred. in fact serial excision is best and simple example of local flap
for scar removal or reduction. Disclaimer : Its a medical information
website. information and pictures contained in this page and website is to
provide information about plastic & cosmetic surgeries, its
not substitute of consultation with your doctor
Scar Reduction, Scar
Revision, Chemical Peel, Laser Surgery, Dermabrasion,
Tissue Expansion Surgery in Delhi, India.