Best Liposuction Surgery Fat
Loss Reduction Body Reshaping in Delhi NCR India by Dr Prabhash, with 20 years of
experience in Plastic surgery
Liposuction means suction or negative pressure assisted removal of fat. We are doing Tumescent Liposuction
with skin stimulation to induce skin tightening in loose skin so that you get both fat
removal skin toning or skin tightening with Liposuction alone. No need to remove skin so no scar. Very
effective in Abdomen & Hips liposuction, Thigh liposuction, Butt Liposuction, Arm Liposuction, Face and Breast Liposuction.
For our Liposuction Videos - Click on this Link to see our play list -
Liposuction Delhi Fat Removal India.
Liposuction is used both for Volume Reduction and
body reshaping. In moderate Obesity, staged liposuction in planned way
can be a very good alternative of bariatric surgery. Overall best Liposuction
plan and design gives you one of best liposuction result in Delhi.
Liposuction Techniques :
Different Liposuction machines are there - in all principle is same break the fat and suck the fat.
Suction Assisted Lipoplasty - Best control and time tested, Lowest energy transfer to overlying skin , least complications or side effect.
Power Assisted - Motor driven blade inside canula - theoretically increases speed - practically increases burn of overlying skin and complication- not in use now.
Ultrasound assisted :- No added advantage, least used now because of incidence of skin burn.
Low frequency vibration assisted : No added advantage, still in use. Increase in incidence of damage to internal organs being reported frequently.
Laser Liposuction : Claims to help surgeon in easily breaking fat cells.
In fact fat cells are very delicate cells and you don't need any extra energy source to break them.
Softest instrument with least energy transfer is safest and the best. SAL or Suction assisted lipoplasty is the most time tested,
effective and safe technique and still superior to others.
Depending upon Fluid Administration ( Volume infused Vs Volume Removed) Liposuction can be
Dry Liposuction, Wet Liposuction, Super wet liposuction & Tumescent Liposuction.
Fluid (with medicines) infusion is done make liposuction blood less, easy procedure & pain free. Volume to be infused is decided by
anticipated volume to be taken out as well as fluid & electrolyte balance of patient.
Body Reshaping Under Tumescent Local Anesthesia : Tumescent technique is used in every case of liposuction to reduce bleeding, smoothen procedure and to
reduce post liposuction pain. For very small areas and small fat reduction specially for body reshaping ( small bulges in abdomen, thighs and arms are most common) we are
doing liposculpture under local tumescent anesthesia. This not only makes procedure less time consuming and convenient but it also cuts cost. For bigger
areas like routine liposuction for whole abdomen, tumescent anesthesia should be supplemented with general anesthesia. Use of only local tumescent
anesthesia in big area is not safe, either the work would be half hearted or dosage of local anaesthesia will pass in toxic range.
Liposuction for Body contouring or Body Reshaping
May involves removal of excess fat from selective areas through liposuction and use of removed fat in filling areas
where augmentation is needed.
Fat Removed can used for breast augmentation, thigh and hip reshaping too, See fat grafting page for it.
Abdomen or Stomach or Belly Liposuction with Hips & Mons Pubis Liposuction
Videos & Before After Pictures
excess Fat Removal liposuction
to reduce Volume and to provide beautiful shape & curves. Fat Removal from
bulky Mons Pubis area improves look and personal life, rejuvenation of
private parts, improves sagging vaginal skin and exposes hidden penile length in
Isolated Lower Abdomen Liposuction Before After
Saddle Bags & Love Handles Liposuction Before After
Male belly Liposuction Before After
Male Belly Liposuction Before & After.
Before After Liposuction Picture Abdomen ( Stomach ) and Mons Pubis In male.
Re-contouring of mons or Mons Reduction has been done to increase effective penile length ( not shown in picture ).
Abdomen & Flanks Liposuction Before After Picture.
Change in volume and shape immediately before and after Liposuction- same as in video.
Stomach Liposuction Before After
Six pack Abdomen :- Simulation can be created with planned selective
liposuction. In my view its non sense job. Also see our
Tummy tuck and
Fat grafting pages.
Thigh & Buttock Liposuction Before After
Thigh Liposuction ,
Legs ( Calves or Calf ) Liposuction
Buttock Liposuction Lift : Thigh, Buttock &
Abdomen ( Stomach) Liposuction Before After Picture Liposuction : Liposuction with good skin contraction, No skin Removal so no extra scar.
Face (Cheek and Chin) Liposuction :- Facial liposuction commonly used in cheek to reduce puffy appearance
and for double chin correction. Similarly, fat removed from other areas is used as filler for face augmentation in
hollow cheeks. ( details on face page).
Face Liposuction Before After
Arm liposuction / Arm Lift / Brachioplasty : for heavy & bulky arms,
brachioplasty or arm lift may be needed after heavy weight loss.
Large Volume Mega-Liposuction : How Much is Safe :
Large Volume (Mega) Liposuction : Large volume Liposuction or Mega-Liposuction involves removal of more
than 5 % of body weight in one sitting. We do not recommend heroic surgery,
patient safety is more important . Depending upon body weight and fitness for surgery we are doing large
volumes fat removal, but patient safety is always the most important factor while considering large volume
liposuction or any other cosmetic surgery procedure. In our Liposuction we measure absolute fat as volume reduced,
not fluid mixed fat, means only the actual fat removed through Liposuction.
Mega Liposuction Abdomen Breast Flanks Before After Picture
Tightening of loose skin with liposuction
Sagging & Loose Skin after liposuction : A
common problem after massive liposuction , We are doing Liposuction along with skin stimulation at the same time to promote its
contraction. Results of Liposuctions with large amount of fat removal and skin stimulation are very encouraging
and we have almost stopped cutting and removal of saggy skin, as it contracts
initially over a period of 3- 6 weeks, in larger cases may take 6-8 months. To
some extent, it dependent upon post operative care taken by patient also,
regular and correct use of compression garment helps a lot.
Liposuction or Fat Removal FAQs:-
1) Can Liposuction be used to reduce weight or only inch loss?
Ans:- liposuction is basically a means of inch loss rather than weight loss.
But , once fat is removed, body looses store of energy and starts breaking fat
from another areas. So you dont see weight loss just after Liposuction, but you
feel it after 6 months to one year. Also loss of fat from difficult areas makes
body light and exercise easy thereafter.
2) Liposuction Surgery Procedure, Course, Duration & Recovery :
Liposuction : first you will consult and discuss in detail about possibilities in your case
(as fat deposit is a highly variable problem), followed by some lab teats for fitness,
if found fit you may book date for surgery.
Liposuction Procedure : Involves planning, anesthesia,
haemostatic fluid infiltration followed by liposuction. Different Liposuction machines are there -
in all principle is same break the fat and suck the fat. All claim to be
superior to another, actually no one is superior to anyone. Classical Suction
assisted Lipectomy SAL is still the safest and best.
On the day of Liposuction Surgery -
Nil By mouth – 6-7 hours before surgery.
Hospitalization on day of surgery or a day before – as per requirement.
Anaesthesia – 5-10 minutes before starting surgery.
Surgery duration - 2-3 hours in average cases.
Bed rest for 3 hours followed by movements and liquid diet allowed after 3 hours
discharge from hosp : 6-7 hours, in mild to moderate volume, overnight stay is
better after larger volume liposuction.
Walking & All gentle activities allowed after 6-7 hours.
Avoid unnecessary movements for 4-5 days.
avoid driving & similar movements ; 1-2 weeks
avoid heavy work : 3 weeks
avoid heavy weight in gym : 3-6 weeks
3) Can Liposuction affect or damage my internal organs or fertility ?
Liposuction has nothing to do with your internal organs or fertility. All your
important organs are located inside abdomen encased in muscular shield and
during liposuction we work only beneath the skin. So, there is no harm to
internal organ including internal genital organs and so nothing to do with
fertility. In fact any abdominal surgery which is not supposed to handle your
internal genital organs like uterus or tube or ovary has nothing to do with your
fertility. In fact, Liposuction abdomen , especially lower abdomen improves
symptoms many other problems and joint problems due to heavy weight.
4) Whether Risks & Complications may happen in liposuction ?
Ans:- Liposuction is surgery and like any other surgery involves risk and
complications. Anything may happen from minor ones to life threatening. Allergic
reactions to medicines used, bleeding, hematoma, seroma, altered or loss of
sensation, skin laxity and irregularity, altered pigmentation, skin necrosis and
many others. Usually nothing happens and you may go through procedure smoothly .
5) Is there any chance of regaining fat after Liposuction?
Ans:- fat regain can occur anytime in your life and it depends upon your life style. Usually fat re
accumulation after liposuction is less.
Disclaimer : Its a medical information
website. information and pictures contained in this page and website is to
provide information about plastic & cosmetic surgeries, its
not substitute of consultation with your doctor .